
    Parent Educator Organization
    The PEO needs your help in working with us as a team. We are seeking Class Parents for every class. A designated Class Parent Chairperson will notify of important meetings and events delegate and remind class volunteers of their scheduled jobs for specific events.
    Class Parents may be required to help with class parties, field day, fundraisers and other duties that may come up during the year.

    Class Volunteers will assist the Class Parent(s).

    Class Parents are strongly advised to attend PEO Meetings.

    Whatever time, effort and expertise you can offer would be greatly appreciated. It takes many volunteers to make our program a success. We hope you can take part.

     We look forward to working together to make Memorial School the best it can be for our children and community!

    If you have any questions regarding this form, please e-mail the PEO Executive Board at SHmemorialPEO@gmail.com