Overview and Scope of Programs
Our K-8 Gifted and Talented assessment process utilizes both quantitative data (e.g., formal standardized test scores, which are sent home) and qualitative data (i.e., teacher observations of student’s behaviors and characteristics). Our program uses an on-going process to universally screen so that all potential G&T students are identified, including those twice exceptional such as SE and ELL. We use multiple measures, including a four-criteria rubric in order to fairly assess and consider all students--a student needs to qualify in three of the four criteria to be admitted to the program. Cognitive abilities tests are given in the spring of each year, following the submission of the teacher evaluations and the receipt of standardized/aptitude test scores and local checklists/assessments/benchmark tests. Final selection is made by a District-wide Selection Committee composed of classroom teachers, the teacher/coordinator of the gifted, special subject teachers, and administration. If a student is going to be placed in the gifted and talented program, a letter will be sent home with more information regarding the program. The letters are typically sent in August. For any questions regarding the process you can contact the gifted coordinator, JoAnne Zahn, jzahn@shmemorial.org, 201-440-2782 ext 141.
Scope and SequenceAt the K-2 (primary) level, we address the needs of gifted and talented children through differentiated instruction and by the gifted coordinator and media specialists "pushing-in." With the guidance and assistance of our gifted coordinator, teachers receive professional development and support in the classroom to meet the needs of identified students. Students in K-2 are challenged within their classrooms through differentiation and higher level thinking skills and activities. These activities are personalized by classroom teachers who are beginning to identify motivational milestones that gifted children demonstrate.
At the 3-5 grade levels, the special needs of gifted and talented children are addressed through a reading program that incorporates Science, Social Studies, Math, Art and Engineering. All students in grades 3-5 are annually considered for inclusion into gifted programming. Within and outside of the the cluster group for reading, students will:
- have an enriched educational experience where their learning needs are met in the general education classroom.
- receive enrichment utilizing differentiated instruction.
- engage in activities that provide concept enrichment while developing and improving complex, cognitive skills.
- participate in activities designed to stimulate and improve critical thinking abilities.
- apply knowledge gained to real-world situations.
- have the opportunity to work with G&T peers outside the school through field trips (e.g., Meadowlands Environment Center http://www.rst2.org/mec/gt/ Gifted Programs, BCCTG-sponsored convocations, events and contests)
At the 6-8 grade levels, the special needs of gifted and talented children are addressed through our Honors English Language Arts and Math programs. All students in grades 6-8 are annually considered for inclusion into gifted programming. For Social Studies, Art, Music, Science and Physical Education programs, subject-area teachers differentiate within the classroom.